— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Tim: Hi, do you have that status? What happened?
Mealisa: Yes, this is the story... our director found us a client, assigned him to a girl manager. The client is rare. Not only did he exhaust her whole brain, we also got it. Everything is not so for him. We threatened to send some complaints to the girl to our director.
Tim: Nifga is, she was lucky. I would send him away.
You can’t be a customer with a big order. In short, this complaint letter comes to us. Signature of Brain A.V. I was hysterical! The name justifies the behavior of this fool for all hundred!
Tim: ухахахахахахаха *Uppz patztol*
Meelis: From one mention of him, the office was roaring for 15 minutes. But the laughter was short, one beautiful day this brainstorm brought our employee to tears and hysteria. She sat down with Valerie to calm her down. I was in anger. Here is a call from him. I talked to myself. It was filled with shit, caprices, dissatisfaction and words "you have little letters? I will go on then!" pause. I can’t stand and say "the brain shut down?"
The OMG!
Melissa: That was my biggest mistake. Tomorrow at the carpet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna