— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I caught a cat a month ago, quite young, judging by appearance and behavior, obviously domestic, probably someone threw out. A month and a half before that, she wandered at the entrance, if the former owners needed it, they would have found her long ago. So, since nobody is looking for it, and nobody needs it, I have the courage to put it in good hands.
At the age of some year, sterilized, vaccinated, the cockpit knows, in terms of the pot - only the filler, the mesh pots do not recognize, but I am working on this question=) The flea is such, a lot of murmuring, blushing. Attention to musicians: on a cat you can build fa diets. Fig knows what it is that strikes her so, she begins to mock on the fa diez. Sometimes I sing when I play.
In short, take it if you need it.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna