— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We lived with an old Murzick cat.
I unsuccessfully tried to make him a cosmonaut for a while, but the cosmonaut from him something failed, although a couple of flights to the garden neighbor he made, and he lived his meaningless life just like a cat.
And then happened this case, which I told you, when a cat in a ventilation pipe was wrapped in a birdhouse, and then the rats came and smelled all the kittens.
So, there one kitten survived, he just fell out of the pipe, stuck there somewhere in the wall, and the rats did not touch him.
And the cat went in an unknown direction after the floor.
The mother of the cat brought him home. Unfortunately, a cat is still needed to replace Murzika.
It was such a milk toothless dog, he could not even eat himself. Not even blind, so small.
In short, the grandmother somehow tried to feed him there with an improvised nipple of flour with milk, but very quickly tired and shrugged his hand. Are normal cats still suffering with shit? She said so and dropped the cat on the floor.
So he started crawling and feeding. Like a factory toy.
And there, in the corner of the oven, Murzick was lying, and through the periscope he observed all this. Finally, this shit on Murzika came across.

And very quickly began to dig in Murzick's stomach in search of a tick.
He digged and digged, found visible some piece of falling wool, slightly like a chicken, and silenced.
Murzick, at the same time, first surprised at this case, pushed the squid, and then, as a grandmother, mocked his leg. My grandmother and I were very similar. At least the reactions. And grandmother, by the way, just like Murzick did not want to be an astronaut.

Okay well. The grandmother passed through the matter quickly, and said, “Aha!“She set up a bowl of thick cream, threatened the cat not to dare, son of the cock, and smelted his belly thick with crème de jure. Like a ghetto. The cow found this!
And this pimple slight tactic quickly stunned, and all the bubble of Murziki dried up. And then more. Then he ate, and fell away, clover.
The grandmother of Murzika also dressed. It deserves.
And we became a nurturing mother.
He seemed to have lived with that role.
When the tick grew up and dropped the tick, Murzick still slept on his stomach. And he taught him all the cats of wisdom.
from certificate

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