— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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For some reason, all kinds of witnesses, baptists, Mormons and other people who smoke "opium for the people" are eager to stick to me - apparently, my appearance causes them to activate some kind of reflex. Not so long ago, however, I found a way to extract from this my lack of a little healthy laugh.
I changed my glasses for contact lenses. Among other things in optics there were those that visually change the shape of the pupil - before, remember, they were crazyly popular. I bought a set. So here comes an elderly woman and asks if I know that the end of the world is not beyond the mountains.
Yes you are right.
(Inspired) Do you know that a dark one is already walking among people and looking for unrepentant souls?
I take off my dark glasses and look at her in focus with vertical pupils and a red iris.
Are you about me?
Even Copperfield would have disappeared so quickly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna