— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About the Parade. First, NATO soldiers walked through the Red Square not as conquerors, but as our friends and associates during the Great Patriotic War. I think that can only be welcomed. By inviting them to our joint parade, Russia once again stretches out the hand of friendship to our Western comrades. The world is better than war, even if it is cold.
Here we all cheat America, the United States, and I included, sometimes. But putting your hand on the heart, tell me, who doesn’t like the Western image and standard of life? Who here is such a cowardly patriot that does not watch American films, but only Russian? Who doesn’t smoke American cigarettes, don’t crack, thanks to the Americans, on the Internet? Who walks in one lapta, valenko, kosovorotka and ušanka? There are no such.
Do you like American politics? Well, to me too. But this is not a reason to turn away from her. In fact, the second front helped a lot. And to forget about the more than 200,000 Americans killed in the war is also not worth it. The Soviet Union put much more on the altar of Victory, but this price is also considerable, it is worth respecting, I think, no matter how.
Overall, I am pleased that the soldiers of the Western armies passed through the Red Square as friends, and that the American flag floated over it as the flag of friends.
I think if you were killed in a fascist concentration camp, and you were unexpectedly released by American soldiers, you’t have begun to slander and slander, saying, I won’t go anywhere from my camp until I’m released by the Russians.

Don’t hesitate, Harry is with you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna