— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 69 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате]
From the entire course
The Russian language
In the universe
A proposition with one substantive and an adjective added each time. In European languages, this cannot be said without bonds and overload.
(Hello to Professor Milosevic!)

The Russian land.

The writer of the Russian land.

Writer of the Russian Land.

The wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

The problem of the dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

Solving the problem of flea dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.

Difficulties of solving the problems of the dog of the wife of the writer of the Russian land.


c) O-la

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna