— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone wants to remind.
Somebody recently started twisting my nipple and blowing down my wheels. From what it all started, I live in Mytištěh and drive to Medvedkov by car, there I park her in the yard.
Spring came and the psyches began to exacerbate - they began to twist the nipple and throw them around. What to do? Change the courtyard or take a small camera and punish a psychic?

Someone look at how you put the car, it is not excluded that you are trying to polently hint for now that you cannot put the car in this way and it interferes with other drivers / pedestrians. The next step may be the slightest sticker on the forehead "parking like a deer" or worse... Bring to the person until it is too late

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna