— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was two years ago when my wife and I hadn’t lived together yet. We look quite specific, and at the same time we barbed naked. Here is. Well, we are walking somewhere in the courtyard, I sat on the bench, and Gaecka lay on my knees with my head. We lie down, the sun shines, we are tired a little... We are silent, we admire each other. The kids run for five or six years. They look at me and, I hear, they whisper: “Oh you, bald uncle, bald uncle... Well, I imagined myself with their eyes, a two-meter shaved fuck, with a huge beard, all with tattoos, penetrated, smiled. She raises her head and looks at the kids.
I have seen how the curiosity in the bottomless children’s eyes is instantly replaced by horror and the collapse of all children’s ideals. There is a wild choral cry: "A-a-a-a-a, damn, damn aunt!!!" and children friendly and reactively do their legs)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna