— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I can’t, I run, I run to tell you.
Just just.
The Ashan store.
I am standing, digging in the kitchen cranes. Behind my back is such a iron mesh basket. In the basket - hats, hats, panamas.
In the basket is a mother with a boy aged 10-11. There is a grandfather in Panama. Very decent, but extremely old.
The boy pulls out of the basket a huge hue with wide fields and a mac on the side. He excites and cries:
“Mom, mom, look what a hat I have!
What are you doing?! Why did you catch a woman’s hat? You are
an idiot? What are you, grandmother? You’d be scared of cowards! What are you like
Do you catch up with Babie Barahlo? There’s still a whirlwind! go, go out, go out
Example of Lift!
I get stuck in the clothes: "It's not your business, be silent, stupid, wait for grandchildren, and raise them!"
Suddenly my grandfather...
With an untransmitted-anecdotal "Odessa" pretext, gracing and helping yourself with gestures:
You are in vain instructing the boy. Having from childhood
next to such a model of a woman, your boy will easily become a pedestrian without
Additional instructions!
There is no scene.
I am out of the clothes:
Grandpa, can I kiss you in the cheek?
“It’s in any man,” said Grandpa.
I kiss my grandfather in a pergament cheer of old column and leave the battlefield.
As I said, without comments.
No, the boy was not lucky.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna