— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From Livejournal:

Mr. Daiver:...I remember in my childhood when I needed to eat the second, I took the cottage, put it on the bottom of the plate, rolled the potatoes or ham and so on. Everything was beautiful and looked like an island. He imagined himself as a treasurer or a pirate. And he gradually ate, and with a fork like a spade he dug the cottage which was in the middle. I cooked it, and it was like my prize for eating a garniture.

mr_daiver: You can even write a book about how to get kids to eat cocktails and garments. Practical and theoretical guidance."

I remember that my grandmother had plates with deer painted on the bottom, and that if I ate a potato, my grandfather buried a deer with it and said that he needed to be released.

mr_daiver: Oh fucking ruthless like, another wonderful method in my book xD Wait on the shelves)
1st The Pirate Method
2nd The buried deer method.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna