— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was making a documentary about smoking. And to find out how our citizens will deal with the smoking ban on the street, I came up with this episode: In the center of Moscow on a crowded street, a police officer stops smokers and tries to fine them. Of course, everyone will understand that this is a joke, well, and suddenly someone will believe it. How will he deal with such a ban?
I called a familiar Lieutenant Colonel of the militia and asked to assign a subordinate for the shootings, who can speak convincingly.
At the appointed hour, a captain arrived with two sergeants. He listened to the task, sneered and asked:
And the money collected for fines, where to go afterwards?
What money is there? No one will give you money, but suddenly.
If it does, it would be great. Just say that it is an action,
Take your money back and stop smoking. Try to
to convince Stanislavsky to believe.
We put on the captain's radio microphone, and we went into the shop with the camera.
began to film. I see our police stop the first smoker, but I don’t hear what they say. But everything is heard by my operator in the earphone. I see, he is hysterical, rushing without stopping, until the camera is stirring. He asks the towel to wipe away tears, or he can’t see it.
“What are you breaking? “I ask. He just whispers.
I looked up, and to my horror, I realized that eight out of ten people proposed to solve the issue on the spot and stole the money to the captain...As it turned out later – the ninth was stolen with the card of a deputy assistant, and the tenth with a police certificate. What are miracles?
In the evening, I went back to the television company, turned on the recording and made sure that my acquainted Lieutenant Colonel was not deceived. The captain was very clear:
He brakes the first man, appears and says:
There is a smoking struggle on the streets in the city.
You will be imposed an administrative penalty in the form of a fine.
What kind of penalty? You are what? It is not forbidden to smoke on the street.
Captain: So I am not punishing you for smoking, but for firing a fire in the city.
What a fire, that’s a cigarette!
I will read to you the decree of the Government of Moscow and the Governor of the Moscow Region: for the breeding of fires, the burning of leaves, grass, topoly flour in the border of the city and the region, individuals are punished with a fine from 500, up to 1000 rubles.
If I’m not mistaken, did you burn a grass wrapped in paper in your hand called tobacco?
Man: A... Yeah...
Captain: Well, so I impose on you the minimum fine provided for this violation - 500 rubles. Let us form.
The man began to apologize, trying to get 200 rubles without a receipt.
Eight men out of ten.
You say the police, the police.
The pictures decide everything.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna