— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Intelligent people
There were two Moscow girls: a retiree mother and daughter, also a retiree, but at the same time a school teacher. They lived in the bedroom area on the twentieth floor. Everything in their lives was measured and understandable: neither husband nor children the teacher never deserved, so she quietly lived with her mom in a one-room apartment.
In one not beautiful morning, the life of the Moscow girls was divided into the past - colorful and real dirty-black. They woke up from the wild screams and the loud music of Black Eyes. They looked into the hallway and immediately received a good advice:
Close the door and stop you from dancing. Do you see people have a celebration?
It turned out – this is a very large group of Azerbaijanis, right in the corridor organized a walk about the purchase of a two-bedroom apartment on their floor.
But it was not hell, it was only the alarming music at the door of hell.
After a month of such life, the second neighbors trembled. They sold their trousers cheaply to these same glorious guys and, without looking back, went where the eyes look. Approximately 40 people lived in two apartments. In insult, and in insult. Every day, our teacher was planned to torture to leave the apartment and return home in the evening.
24 hours a day in the corridor, Azerbaijanis were smoking on the shelves, dragging a woman for her shirt and stealing, saying, “Aunt, let’s sell the apartment while we give the money, then you will give, for a chilogram of potatoes.”
The whole corridor to the ceiling was filled with tomato boxes and the devil knows what else to do.
When the women called the police, a “smacked” district came and said:
- Citizens, don't be such a slander, you need to be friends with your neighbors. They
They have the same right to live here as you do. You are not a nationalist.
any of them? The boxes are removed from the corridor. Yes guys?
Chandler Chandler, we will clean it up.
Every time after leaving the neighborhood, the door of the mother and daughter were barricaded with boxes. Without light for days.
Finally, under the pressure of the shark, the third neighbors trembled: with the battles they withdrew.
The women remained alone among the hundreds of glorious “black eyes”. Our heroines for the apartment offered exactly half of its actual value:
Why do you need so much money? Take as much as we give, buy
Apartment in the area, there is fresh air. Why do you want Moscow? Live and give
the other.
The women burned, and they thought to sell their apartment, but not to the hot Azerbaijani guys for money, but through an agency.
It ended up with the fact that none of the potential buyers could even step out of the elevator. They were immediately explained that this was their floor, and you climbed on your own mountain into someone else’s house.
This continued from month to month, until our heroines stumbled upon my sister, who works in a huge real estate company as a major specialist (I don’t want to advertise – it’s not about the company, it’s about people).
My sister takes such life dramas very close to her heart, she doesn't sleep at night, she tries to make sure that some old woman is not treated by children and left without housing. She is a good girl, just believe me.
In front of her are sitting two crying old ladies, over whom you can no longer tell who is mother and who is daughter.
My sister worked on this for a month. The situation, you agree, is pathetic. How can you sell an apartment at a market price if you can’t even show it?
But she has my smart, found a suitable intelligent family of potential buyers of a one-bedroom apartment and let us praise:
- The option is just chic: and this, and this, and the parquet, and the view from the window, and the floor,
The park is down and the subway is down. A house, not an apartment. I am afraid that
It is not in your teeth.
In other words, not the teeth? The price suits us.
It is not a matter of price. There are only such neighbors on the floor, you only have them.
You will see, immediately run away. Just the animals.
Don’t be afraid for us, we are intelligent people, but beasts.
We are not afraid.
They went to see the apartment and they liked it very much. I bought.
They were in the seventh sky of happiness. With the money they were able to buy an apartment in a neighboring house on the first floor.
The teacher called my sister a month later to thank her again and tell her that they went with their mother to a girlfriend in the old house and looked up at their floor... no box and even a cigarette. A polite Azerbaijani man ran by, greeted him and fled behind the door. of grace.
And the secret of the focus is that the sister for a whole month was looking for exactly such a family, which she took on "weak".
It was an ordinary intelligent family of Chechens.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna