— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I am a dean at one of the Russian universities. I came to college, two students came to me, decided to joke about them:
I: Ladies and gentlemen, if you answer me three questions at once, I’ll give both a quote on any subject.
C: Give it up!
Q: In what year did World War II begin?
In what year did the Great Patriotic War begin?
C: Silently RJut 1941
I: Write me a quick algorithm for converting all GIF files to PNG in Bourne Shell
These students take a leaflet, what they are advised to write, I think everything is okay, and they give me a leaflet in a minute...
C: for file name in image/*.jpg
by Do
if! file $filename gc grep -q "JPEG image data"
then continue

if convert $filename ${filename%jpg}png
then echo "$filename -> ${filename%jpg}png"
else echo "$filename don't converted"


I: Well, I promised once... Which object to close
C: The philosophy

After that, he thought for a long time what kind of beast he taught them philosophy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna