— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dear future President!

" Dear Member of the Committee!

"Given the popularity of BOR, there is almost a 100% probability that someone
The present is the future president.
of Russia.
So here.
Walk out of the BOR, szuco, and march to study, work, or what else you do there. Because of your
today’s lazy years through 20-30-40 country
It can be overwhelmed."

I fear the country will get angry before I get my job. I share your outrage, but I have to remind you that both my predecessors and I are at best half a matter. All destruction begins in the heads, in the people, and if there are lazy people and saboteurs around, I can do little. Do not be inert, and do not expect that suddenly a good wizard will fly and do everything right at once. A country’s prosperity is the daily hard work of millions, not the stroke of a magic rod.

With respect,
your future president."

I will vote for you three times, we need you, man!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna