— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the Zaporizhia – Dnipropetrovsk route there is a natural vegetable market, where I often buy inexpensive vegetables. In my next trip I find in the sale of tomato juice in three-litre pots, without marking.
20 hryvnia (2.2 dollars) And if you give the bank in exchange, the juice will be sold.
It is $1.8 (15 hryvnia). These are cents.

I buy a bowl for a test with the certainty that the juice is disgusting. I decided to send it to cook - to the pigeons. The cockroaches are suspiciously tasty. I pour myself a glass of juice, I try and I understand, - juice offgenic!
The question arises: “Where are they fooling? I put the juice to stand - layers are formed
The juice is not diluted. There are no seeds and skins in the juice. The juice is unreally tasty.
It is unreally cheap.

In a day, I buy six bottles. Where the juice did not know, the seller does not hesitate.

In four days, I buy five bottles. The seller freezes.

A week later I bought a total of twenty bottles and ordered another ten.

The truth was fairy! Around the road there is a railroad that works.
Only the seeds. On its fields grow steep varieties of tomatoes on seeds. The Juice
- it is a by-product, a waste of production, which the Soviet household does not need. And one entrepreneurial man began to pour the juice from the elite tomatoes into the banks and give it for a penny. The frog struck him :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna