— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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<The Inner Mongol> here looked out the window there again from the stop the Chinese passed... a whole crowd...
<Inner Mongol> fucking brother I'm scared, I don't watch the news that happened? Has China conquered Siberia?
<Necron99> Well in some sense yes. Medvedev allowed the Chinese to come to us in large numbers. The Japanese from Fukushima.
<Inner Mongol> what fucusime
The Japanese nuclear power plant has melted this year, in Japan now Fallout and mutants appear.
<Inner Mongol> are you craving? Or seriously?
<Necron99> Absolutely serious. Did you really not know?
<Inner Mongol> I am tired to know this, I say that I do not watch the news, I have not left the apartment in recent months at all, I am so well
<Necron99> The Poor It is interesting outside.
<Necron99> The Pentagon now under law, if it is hacked, can launch a rocket into the country of the hacker. And the real hero and fighter against injustice has become the dictator of Libya, he all NATO can not guard, and he is already printed on T-shirts together with Che.
<Necron99> In Belarus soon the revolution
<Inner Mongol> o_O
<Necron99> that there is still... Stock indices have fallen record, the United States is threatening default, Medvedev has given part of our territory to Norway
<Inner Mongol> bu-ga-ga ridiculously straight, Nostradamus ept, you still have to say that the end of the world in six months
Quits: The Internal Mongol
<Necron99>)) You won’t believe it...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna