— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I guarantee authenticity, although it was not with me and due to the length of events at this moment I can tell the public this story.
(The names of the heroes have been changed)

At the end of the 1980s I once served in the glorious Armed Forces of a mighty man.
The USSR in the management of one of the associations. We had a subordinate unit in Ryazan, the head of the combat training department was some Colonel (conditionally) Panchenko, an old servant, a "loved soldier", once commanded a large army unit, but because of the drive to the ZZ.
(Green Snake) was removed from office and for "service" until retirement was appointed to this position, where he continued to pour the collar.
And he had in his deputy an ardent servant and a careerist Lieutenant Colonel Ionov.
On Friday, after the next battle of the Guard, Colonel Panchenko decided
"to subdue" his mas (remember - the times are blurred - the end of the 80s, the country has only developed its new laws)...
I have not invented anything better. Ivan Ivanovich, you are serving, you are serving, you are serving, you are earning interest to retirement, and you know that now the Duma is considering a law according to which no matter how much you are serving - you will be paid a pension for serving at 20 years old - as appropriate. And if you are a lieutenant colonel, then only up to 40 years old. So that is.”
Five to five!! Ivan Ivanovich went all day. At the end of the day I got the courage and decided to call (AJ!) Head of personnel department
General of the Army!! (Something is serious )
So, said, and so much served to you that, Pya, all the cat under the tail....!!!??? Five, Five and Five, Five and Five, Five and Five!! to
Or in the prostration, what laws they are adopting, they themselves do not know.
Well, here our "servant" to the general has all broken up.
I will remind you that in those times everyone immediately became Federal and endowed themselves with almost unlimited powers (and money). The back of the troops bought a jacuzzi for the dacha for 40 thousand. The Greens...
So, the continuation of the story, the General, scratching the baldness, said: "You know, today is Friday - tomorrow the certification commission - let us appoint you to the post of colonel - here is the "cell is" - you will go to Sverdlovsk?“”
"Even in Alaska," Pya, even in the tundra, what, I have served for so many years, let me justify," the Lieutenant Colonel replied to the Guard.
And on Saturday they immediately submitted the documents, immediately approved, immediately signed the order, immediately appointed, immediately assigned the title, immediately handed over the pursuit....! to
With a sense of "deep satisfaction" and an order in the inner pocket of the kitter our guard "Colonel" went to his hometown of Ryazan.
The Sunday was unnoticed (for others).
On Monday our Guard Colonel Panchenko (in the beginning of the department - if forgotten) goes out for a divorce and another sees Colonel Ivchenko!!! to
Dialogue: “You that friend – today is not April 1st. What did the Colonel’s pursuit strike?” Answer: “Let me present myself. by Kom. associations
Colonel Ivchenko »
Someone else’s jokes write the fate of others.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna