— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Diamant: During my life I have made countless tubes. It all started with the fact that my friend and I saw a pipe on the roof, he offered to shake. So as I never had a trumpet before, I was scared at first, but a friend said that no one will know and he will not tell anyone. I don’t know why I agreed, maybe because of my extreme curiosity. I took the pipe with two hands and began to move rhythmically from side to side, at first I was scared and uncomfortable, but then, when the pipe at the bottom of the pipe began to crumble and the pipe began to fall to the side, I liked it very much... Since then I could not stop anymore... I jumped on the roofs and shattered the pipe one after the other... It didn’t matter who’s the pipe, a wealthy aristocrat or a poor worker, my main goal was to shake the pipe. Sometimes, the owners of the pipes stuck me with a sliding pipe, but since I was able to run very fast, they never managed to catch me... One time, it turned out that I crossed all the pipes in my area, but I wanted more, I could no longer stop... I had to go to other areas and noticeably shake other people’s pipes while the owners were at work. At this point, I’ve shaken the pipes in the 3 districts of my city, but I can’t stop... When I first shaken the pipe, I didn’t know that everything would turn so that I, with red eyes and shaking hands, would run over the roofs in search of another pipe to fill the rubbish...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna