— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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told a acquaintance. Three years ago, a Russian-speaking Korean brought her daughter to first class in Moscow to arrange. Zavoch explained to all parents who came with the children that they are accepted to this school only on the basis of an interview. She took the girl's hand and, with the words "and you mommy wait here," took her to the office. They leave in 5 minutes.
The girl runs to her mother, hides behind her and whispers, “Mom, I don’t want to go to this school. They ask stupid questions.”
The Zavoch says, “We can’t take your girl. I asked her:
“Animals are flying?” She replied, “Yes”
A Korean woman turns to her daughter, “Daughter, why did you answer that? The birds fly.”
What the girl, looking behind her mom's shirt and looking at the sound, says, "Yes? What about the flying mouse?”
The warm-hearted one could only say, “We’re taking your girl.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna