— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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MayDay: Fuck, this is not a military commission, but a collection of fools who, in addition, in advance consider you a shit!
MayDay: I think even if a person with no two legs in a wheelchair comes to them, they will say, “We, of course, see that you don’t have a leg...but, in any case, go through the examination.”
MayDay: They will be sent to the hospital, where he will be pumped out a ton of blood for tests in 2 weeks, they will put a enema, they will make an uzi, a mort, a X-ray, a fluorography, a bunch of similar things, and at the end they will look at and say "Bl*, guy, and you really don't have a leg. How then can you love the medicine and the army of your country?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna