— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They do not take us anywhere. These are the culbits - it is impossible to compose even in a drunk ugar.

There lived a quiet boy, a student of physics Bory Hoffman, a conditionally Russian from a decent Jewish family. He lived in the Moscow community, because he came to study from somewhere wrong from Chernovtsy, not from Vinnitsa.
A modest young man. I didn’t walk, I wasn’t noticed in the student slides either. I studied slowly.

At this time, a group of American interns arrive at the university. Beginning of the nineties. The restructuring! Only allowed to universities to allow foreigners from not friendly to us Western countries.

As for further integration and for purely peaceful purposes. Fighting with the Moscovites was not enough to watch and get used to it, and here are real living Americans. Curiosity has defeated natural robustness, and for the first time in three years of study he is chosen to some kind of student shelter, where there is a brotherhood of two powers. The people are drinking, singing, dancing, squeezing a little, and someone is already kissing. And Bora, who is unable to do neither one, nor another, nor third, finds himself wiped out somewhere in the kitchen area, where he is entrusted with a responsible matter in the form of dirty dishes and the collection of garbage.

Behind this household prose he is accidentally noticed by an American lady, and
Bora falls into her soul with her incredible economics and domesticity. to meet. They begin to communicate. And he likes her more and more: he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t smoke, he doesn’t climb under his shirt, he cookes his own egg, he leads to museums. Six months of close communication, and the lady travels to her native American states absolutely in love and conquered. Yes, and Borya is covered with romantic feelings and him. Then there is correspondence, mutual explanations on a mixed Russian-English slang and, like apophysis, the decision to get married. Since the student for this purpose can not quickly get to America, the lady, through complicated chess combinations, scraps the Russian visa and goes to her fiancé to strengthen the feeling of the bonds of legal marriage. Well, of course, it begins to walk by instances, pins, fussing from one responsible to another, in general, our normal surr, without which even living would be uninteresting.

But these two young men and time ahead of them have a downfall. In short, they are all overcome, they are combined with a legal marriage, and the newly married husband is hugged with his American wife at the place of his new residence. Northern Arizona, in the territory of the Indian Tribe Reserve
and Navajo. My favorite was an Indian. Her father was an Indian. And the whole family too. But Bora does not give such nonsense importance, you will think, surprised, he and himself is a representative of an equally oppressed nation. They live – they live. And after some time, the man, who was - not much, not little - the leader of the tribe, dies. Since he did not leave male heirs, according to custom, the title of leader was transferred to the husband of the eldest daughter.

So the simple Soviet Jew Borya Hoffman became the leader of the Indian tribe.
Moreover, thanks to the efforts of fellow tribes, he received a seat in the House of Representatives. And he earned the fame of a fierce fighter for the rights of the Indians, because in every speech he spoke with feeling about how his people are offended:

And it is we, every time he reminded the public, that we are
Indigenous people of the United States of America.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna