— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Anyone who has played MMO and simple RPGs knows that there are certain character pumping criteria. For example, if you pump three branches of talents at once in WOW (although such a possibility is not provided there, but, still, imagine), then in the end there will be something unplayable, dying in a fight with any pumped by the usual scheme of the opponent. It’s all about talent glasses – their number is limited and just enough for a full pump of one branch.
Let’s take a look at our educational system. Unfortunate children without any motivation try to teach everything in a row. Why Blizzard understands that you can’t know everything at once, and the Ministry of Education doesn’t?? to

We answered:
Dear Fools of the 21st Century! I appeal to you as a man who played in the MMO for 5 years and scored on them because they are now impossible: to kill, to remove all things and take the head of the enemy with you. I think those who are older should remember such a delightful MMO game as Ultima Online in which you could pump ALL THE SKILLS and thanks to this to win against 3-4 opponents ;) And what they did now from the MMO - a whirlwind on the skill points and pieces, a dull constant kick on the mobs and castrated PVP. And the school gives only basic education in all directions and you already decide where to go.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna