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Investigative Experiment

A known fact: during the viewing of the 38th series of "Pokémon" in people predisposed to epilepsy, began seizures. Hundreds of Japanese children were hospitalized. Operative investigation showed that this was caused by frequent change of images in one of the episodes. The incident and its causes were in the news program, while "thought" to show the unlucky episode. Hundreds more Japanese were sent to hospitals with epileptic seizures.

This was an introduction, and now the story of a familiar investigator.
After a series of breaches and theft from garages, one owner decided to install an alarm in his garage. The principle of operation is simple: for some time after opening the door you need to press the "secret" button, hidden somewhere between the shelves. If this is not done, in a few seconds the sirene sounds, attracting the attention of others and scaring away the unlucky thieves. As a sirene, our craftsman decided to use the ship's revon, carefully tailored by his grandfather.

Those who have been on large ships know, but for those who do not know, I will explain.
In conditions of poor visibility, in particular in the fog, the assailant, having detected another vessel on the radar, gives the command to turn the revoon so that the captain on the opposite course of sound had an orientation and made the correct manoeuvre in advance in order to avoid a collision. I can hear these sounds from a few kilometers away.

And then, a couple of courtyards decided to drink something. To drink something, you have to steal something. Three o’clock at night, the area is sleeping, the mounting collapses the slope, the gates are opened. I didn’t know about the buttons. While they were looking for what to steal, the time relay turned on a revon. The area no longer sleeps. Arriving almost simultaneously with the owner of the garage, the patrol finds on the spot two bodies unconscious, all the contents of the stomach fell in the pants of both. One of them later died of a heart attack.

With the owner of the garage nothing was done, an explanatory conversation, a fine for violating the rest of citizens. The main argument is "my garage, as I want, so I protect. And that blue-collar may have broken off from the cockroach." Revon was later confiscated.

But there are traces - on the one hand a corpse, on the other - an attempted theft with theft. And somebody from the "top" came to the mind to put an investigative experiment. Two mints, with the permission of the owner of the garage, were to repeat the "movement" of the unlucky thieves, and the operational worker to shoot this on the camera.

The castle is broken down, the gates are opened, the roar is turned on. One of them is unconscious, the other with shaken eyes jumps out of the garage and with a bunch of his own shit in his pants escapes in an unknown direction. Judging by the video, he was still trying to scream, probably something obscene, but nobody had heard it. The cautious opera, knowing in advance what would happen, left the camera on the stand and moved away to a safe distance.

As they later joked in the department, "the experiment succeeded." Fortunately, no one was injured this time, except the police clothes. And the confiscated truck now "protect" the country of my friend, only the control scheme he asked me to assemble, I designed so that the volume grows smoothly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna