— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A brief classification of the “evil” passengers of the 6 substantial transport.

"Vonjuka" (o6equinous) - a strongly smelly passenger, o6equinously: women - because of over 6 hours with perfume, men - as a result of over-hygiene.
There are subjects:
“After yesterday”
The Bomb;
"Cinderella" (sub-species - "Cinderella smoking" - when smoking at a stop and seeing when the transport, the smoker tries to have time to suck the remains of the cigarette, and the smoke is already slowly evaporating, being in the cabin.)

"Guardian" - a passenger who stands up in the doorway and does not want to pass inside not to let others at the stop.

"Spider-Man" - clings to the armor with two wide-spaced hands - the top of the skill to cling to the armor on different sides of the cabin.

"Mohnatka" - more often women, the owners of luxurious hairstyles, mocked hats, caps and pumpkins - inevitably climbing you in the face, nose, eyes.

“Gor6un” is not removing the backpack.

"Disturbing" - men wishing to isolate the presence of the 6th greatest dignity, although rather, the 6th wearing fisting strings, the 6th suffering from ovulation from spermotoxicose - sit so widely stretching their legs that there is no room on a double seat, and the knees are torn to the floor of the passage.

Be courteous to each other.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna