— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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XXX is catharsis. What is it? and :)
YYY: How can I explain it to you?
Imagine coming home late in the evening by bus, in front of you a beautiful girl, you look around with her all the way, but no one decides to meet. In the meantime, your intestine plays symphonies and requires codes.
And here, a almost empty bus is coming to your stop, you go out proudly alone, finally relax, and your sphincter makes the sound as loud as it can.
Suddenly you turn around and see that girl from the bus: she came out after you. Your hair is dumb, your legs are cotton, in your head the awareness of the epic file, and here... you notice that she is in your headphones.
The catharsis! and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna