— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My cat is a puppy.
To avoid waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning from loud cat cries, such as:"Myayajaawowow! Let me eat!!", filled the cat with a full bowl of snails before he went to bed himself. The month was calm. Then, apparently, this blue-blooded man (the Russian-blue breed he has) thought that I was unable to sleep in the morning, and at the usual time for him (4-5 in the morning) again began to start his soul-breaking, brain-breaking, something-seeking song. I have to get up, take the cat in my arms, drag it to the dish, carefully put it in front of it, then slash and watch how cats do the miracle of food absorption. Only after all these actions the tail allows me to fall asleep again.
Not in vain the cat called Ostap. The great blade, blade.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna