— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in a taxi.
I went to the base, and the client asked me to wait. I stand. A car next door. The man, the evil man, all on the slats, looks at his wheel down, opens the trunk - the reserve too.
The taxi driver went to the shuttle.
I can’t wait for the customer.
He will wait for your client.
I – I cannot.
He - went
He called another car, loaded his stock and left.
And here I remember,
In the luggage compartment lies a compressor, from the smoker pumps the wheel. I just sit so bored, I pumped his wheel. The client came out and persuaded her to wait 2-3 minutes. A car arrives, a man throws out the wheel. It jumped on the asphalt, opened the luggage compartment, threw the hood, the balloon key. Going to the wheel, it’s all. Gluck all over the body, on the face of a hysteric.
And I slowly left him, leaving him with “whites";

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna