— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The boss unreasonably reduced my salary, motivating me to work poorly. I ask him what I’m doing wrong, he doesn’t say. Thinking of me forty times, he holds me for eggs. I started looking for work at night and going to interviews. When he found a suitable option, he immediately wrote an application for dismissal. The boss told me I had to work two more weeks. And he has been told that the last 2 weeks the employee gets only white salary, and given that the salary is white 1000 rubles, I would earn only 500 rubles. I said that I was willing to work only for the money we agreed on when we worked. The boss scornfully whispered "You will still put conditions on me!" and went to himself. I waited for the moment when business partners came to him, broke into the office, fell on my knees, grabbed his pants, began to shake and beg Barin!!! Let go!He was frightened, jumped up, and I slipped on the floor without dropping his underwear out of his hand. After that, I went out, getting a charge of pleasure for the whole day. I immediately went to a new company, arranged, said that I would bring the job later. A couple of weeks later I went for work, no one wanted to argue with me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna