— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the story of the girls who rested with M. Prochorov:

After dinner, Michael called me and another girl, Alain, to his room. I was stressed, I immediately thought — it seemed normal, but turned out to be a perverse. I packed my suitcases and searched for the nearest Russian embassy.

But events developed in a completely unpredictable way. We came into the room, he closed the door behind us and offered to lie down. He didn’t dress himself, and he didn’t tell us anything about it. Alena was not afraid, and I thought nothing terrible would happen to me. When we lay down on his huge bed, Mikhail took Turgenev’s “Groza” (two copies) from underneath the pillow and asked us to read it out loud in the roles.

We have read. Michael was listening. And I, watching the torments of Catherine, all thought what the oligarch had conceived, having so decided to distract our attention?

And what then?

It turned out nothing. Michael just fell asleep, and did not make any of us an inappropriate offer. During the day we were skiing, in the evening the situation repeated. Only five girls were invited to read.

So every night we read him something from Russian classics. There is no intima. At the same time, it is not worth thinking that Michael is homosexual or impotent. He loves women very much, but with some special love.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna