— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A Ukrainian ship has drowned in the Black Sea. I remember, on the first day it disappeared, the news was very surprised why the crew did not send the SOS. After all, the ship was equipped with an emergency boom, which is enough to throw into the water and it will begin to give disaster signals. The Black Sea is not the Pacific Ocean and it is simply impossible to stay unheard of in it.
And here, after a few days in the mountain... the drowning were finally caught. And in one of the reports the mystery with the boom was solved.
As soon as the ship began to sink, the captain faithfully descended into the boat with the boat. And a few days sitting honestly, holding in your hands beating your legs!!! It is unknown how long this odyssey would last, but eventually, the sailors decided that the buff was broken and in a rush of anger threw him out of board. The bui immediately turned the antenna up and struck the SOS across the entire Black Sea. Within a few hours, everyone was rescued.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna