— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend's father, Max, in the 60s a grey-haired widowed professor and a healthy man, married his student, which is why Max himself was born. In the late 1980s, when he was already in second grade, the 15-year-old orphan Sasha, a distant descendant of his father from his first marriage, fell on Max's head. By that time, the professor had not been in the white light for a long time. But there was still a spacious professor's apartment, and in it Max with his mother. The orphan was housed.

What was the fun Sasha had to Max, I am even scared to realize now. Obviously there is a granddaughter. But to what extent? I remember only that Lev Petrovich married immediately after the civil with a girl with a daughter in his arms. In the photos of that time, he is very grown-up, heroic and serious at 18, and she is a cute 22-year-old. Lusting for communals, they never had joint children, but he raised an adopted daughter. It was written as his own, without any certification. From this adopted daughter came the now forgotten chain of generations, which ended in the cheerful puppy Sasha.

And, here's the clue - her mother or grandmother still looked like a serious girl with white sticks in pre-war photos. Sasha was born in 1973. Fuck what. Is she still a grandmother? It does not matter. In the third grade, Max was expelled from the university. It was a terrible spring call. At the family council decided that Max should adopt Sasha - in the presence of a minor child in the army then did not take, as apparently now. Aunt from ZAGS was slightly confused by the small age difference. But she still had to know what a fucking grandfather she was.

As a retaliation from the army, this initiative worked. But only for three years - until Sasha's adulthood. As life has shown, it is a very long time. Sasha managed to get pregnant in school and gave birth to a bride from whom. I swear that it’s not for him. But where it is appropriate to drive out a girl with a child on the street - began to grow up together. It was another spring call, and Sasha is already a grown-up. There were no formal grounds for Max's continued stay on his freedom. In desperation, Max tried to adopt a newborn baby. In the ZAGS, he was viewed as a disgusting pervert and the last idiot. He reminded me that he was her grandfather or grandfather. Max was broken. The lawyer was left to make a complaint petition to the military committee - to say, can not serve, because on his maintenance are three poor women, to which he is a son, father and grandfather.

It is said that in the military committee cabinet for a long time still hanged a photocopy of this petition, as an example of the most offensive blasphemy of all time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna