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I want to tell you one curious case with Joseph Davydovich Kobzon, to whom he himself was a witness.

It was in the mid-1970s. In the former hotel Russia, a concert hall was held.

Of course, there was Kobzon with the crown song "Day of Victory". He had nine orchestras, so-called Swedish composition.

The same concert was held by Belarusian singer Viktor Vujacic. With the same composition and with the same baritone voice as Cobson. He sang a song, if I’m not mistaken, “Moldovanka.”

I.D.Cobzon at this time, already dressed in fracks, played behind the scenes for money in nardas. And suddenly on the inner loudspeakers he hears: “Joseph Cobson speaks, etc.” Joseph, not in a hurry, throws the nardas and "solidly" rushes from the griller to the scenes. Without reaching the stage, he hears that his orchestra has lost the entrance and “he, Cobson!” He sang “The Day of Victory.”

Arriving in the side scenes, he sees his ensemble on stage, and sings for him... Victor Vujacic, perfectly imitating the intonations of Kobzon.

After several numbers announced the song "Moldavanka" and with the orchestra of Vujachic came out Kobzon and sang it, perfectly imitating Vujachic and the voice and manner of performance.

The spectators felt something unusual, but few guessed what was going on. Both singers had the same height and tone of voice and greatly imitated each other.

After the concert, the director of the hall "Russia" Lev Markovich Feldman, ran to Joseph Kobzon and began to annoy him for such a rally.

We must say that L.M. Feldman was a very influential person among Soviet cultural figures.
He was feared as fire by artists of all ranks. He could easily report a popular artist or musician with all present. In addition, Feldman did not tolerate excuses and objections from guilty artists.

The only one he feared and respected was Joseph Cobson.

And there was the following dialogue between L.M. Fieldmay and I.D. Kobzon:

“Lev,” replied I. Kobson to L.M. Feldman’s claims, “Respond to me, something is wrong with you.
Do you like the music players?

No, we played great! But Joseph...

“Levah, maybe I or Victor sang badly?

No to Joseph! But I am about another...

“Leva, maybe the declared songs, “Victory Day” or “Moldovanka” did not sound at the concert?

No to Joseph! It sounded, but...

Left, you are too sensitive. It must be!? to
Everyone played well, the declared repertoire was fulfilled, we no longer talk about singing, the audience
I was upset, and you, Leva, are unhappy!? to

Do you need to look like a neurologist?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna