— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In ancient times, God blinded ten Adam.
One of them smelled the land, the other the sheep, the third the fish.
After a while, they came to their Father and asked him:
There is everything, but something is missing. bored to us.
The Lord gave them the test and said:
“Let each blind in his own likeness the woman who likes: full, thin, tall, small... And I will breathe life into them.
Then the Lord brought out sugar on the plate and said:
Here are 10 pieces. Let each one take one and give to the wife, so that life with her is sweet.
They all did so.
Then God was angry:
“There is a plate among you, for there were eleven pieces of sugar on the plate. Who got two pieces?
Everyone was silent. The Lord took their wives from them, mixed them up, and then distributed to whom they were caught.
Since then, nine out of ten men think that someone else’s wife is sweeter...Because she has eaten too much sugar.

And only one of the Adam knows that all women are equal, because the extra piece of sugar he ate himself.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna