— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Why do you travel through half a city? Since I am single for the fourth day, I propose to surrender to the confectionery ravage of me.
XXX returned to his hometown. A heartbreaking story. He was like his parents at night. Well I went, and went, warned because in advance, I slept quietly. I wake up at three and a half at night from a phone call. Worse than night calls are only night visits – I immediately panic, because I don’t expect anything good from them. Oleg is calling. All, my heart has died, I understand what happened to the emergency... I respond to the challenge... And what do I hear?
yyy: Drunk confessions and women's voices in the background?
xxx: With an absolutely sober voice, he asks me if he will do it if he makes a giraffe tattoo in the back!
Suicide: What did you say?
Well, if it were in the afternoon, I might have answered more sharply. And so the demand, the evil... Advised, once he loves Africa so much, to smash another hippopotam on the swallow, and a struts on the ass.
YYY: And what then?
xxx: Something... "And he’s no longer married to them" :-)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna