— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Everything is good where we are not.”

Someone from familiar ecologists (I cannot unambiguously confirm the authority for years) told how he walked a Japanese colleague through the forests of the Far East in a small company of compatriots.

And as a Japanese spoke, as a Russian, rested, as a Russian and even drank, as a Russian... in the city. Because he was such a "virtual" specialist on ecology of Russia. Then he was taken out to nature. And he kept! He kept when cars and tents were placed in the forest on the bank of the river, when wood was crushed and a fire was lit, when a freshening was obtained and a shale was made of it.

He stayed until someone told him that the country, of course, was more civilized, but it was not bad too. Then I explained what a donation is. And then all the choir confirmed that the dacha has everybody.

From this moment, the poor man was transported to the slopes until his flight to his hometown of Tokyo... only he repeated:

God, I had a weekend with millionaires!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna