— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember once in the USSR went to change the battery in the watches "Electronics". I am in line. Well, a man five (for the youth, without a line in the USSR nothing happened). I stand. The man (M) is right in front of me. The clock asks him.
Q. What do you have?
I have my clock ticking.
(C) Well so is well.
M – You did not understand. They are electronic but ticking!
(C) - = 8 ( ) Show me!
He puts the clock on his ear and in a couple of seconds he spat on the whole hotel.
Watson is Watson! Run here! What will I show you!!! to
Everyone fled from the studio and neighboring houses. Everyone put a clock on their ears. Everyone cried loudly...Galdez rose up like a chicken...

I realized that I don’t have to change the battery today.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna