— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Stop the quarrels about homework. No need to argue. You just need to respect the right of others to rest, and take care of each other. You live with a human being, not a robot, remember this. When a man, unable to withstand the reminders of a running crane or a rushing stalk, begins to quietly mate, and says, “I, after all, do not have to be a sanitary technician (slipper, etc.).And " he is right. is right. And it is easier and quieter not to persuade him, getting more and more annoying, but immediately call the master. But the same way a woman has the right to say, “Dear man, I am not a washer, I am not a cook, I am not a cleaner – let’s hire a housewife.” She will also be right. Is it incomparable? Do you have such expenses in your pocket? True, not every family can afford such luxury - a housewife is expensive. And now think about why the sanitary services you need every five years and the services of a housekeeper are valued so differently. Maybe because she has a lot of work, and she does it much more often? Compare what load, in addition to the main work, your wife carries on a daily basis, and how often you have to do so. The "man" work for himself.
P.S I know there are a lot of men who at least sometimes help wives - no claims to you. We appreciate and love you. If you're one of them, don't miss it just out of male solidarity - remember how many of you have familiar loungers and gamers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna