— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On a drill, when they drill a well, after a few meters of passage they take a soil sample. And so that the soil does not fall asleep, you need to cover the end of the probe with something and condoms are ideal for this purpose and they, the cheapest, need a lot (previously its price was 2 cents and it was not expensive)

So, the radio station's radiologist transmits to the ship supplier the application for supply and crew change. The rest hear all this on the air, but not all in the topic for which rubber products are needed.

- Accept the request for supplies and a change of crew. You need this, this, and that... and eventually you put in three thousand condoms and a new kitchen.

Then everyone asked only one question: "What happened to the old cowboy?" O_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna