— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There was a very interesting conversation today between my grandmother and one of the storytellers. We discussed how to bring more from Thailand than it should be. B is grandmother. R is a storyteller.

R is You can, of course, carry more in hand luggage. The truth was already experience, even in the Soviet times. Our compatriots were flying from warm countries, weighed every kilogram by 10 in the plane and put all the bags in the passage. Of course, there is nowhere else. As the plane started to take off, all the bags in the tail fell. Well, the plane did not get speed, stood up vertically, and fell on the tail.

by B. And what?

R is of something. They all died.

by B. It is horror! And you were there?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna