— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Client contacted Skype:
The "Hello I need a website. Before sending those tasks, we will determine the initial conditions. I have a lot of experience interacting with programmers and I know how many of them are fools, I know all the problems of the organizational plan that I have to face. Here are my terms - I will only talk to a programmer who will make the site (the director of the company go here) the programmer should only deal with my site and nothing more, no jobs, no wives, no fitness, but only my site. (I have to be in contact for at least 12 hours a day) I have a dish ready. I must have the telephones of the programmer and two other friends in case I can’t call the programmer. If you do everything clearly and on time - I will give a premium, if you do not agree on time we will reduce the fee. And no advance payment. The budget? I know the price very well."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna