— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How I Cure Chronic Headaches at the Age of 18 for a long time ))

At school, he suffered from migraines, and instead of playing football he sat in the library.
In view of the pain, I often ate pills and remembered the names of many and testimony well and naturally all gave advice what and what to treat. That’s why I was kindly called “the surgeon,” the “walking library.”
And here we after the 1st course of the radio-technical institute go to the first shabash to the Mogilevsky depth to concrete the floors in the cowboard. The men of the capital first went to dance, met the ladies and after work arranged sitting at the bench at the dormitory, I was naturally called a "surgeon", there were "Adik", "Gray", "Lehha". Nothing predicted an adventure, but one girl for 3 days came to the nursery with her grandmother. I have a headache for a week, what do I do? Not a scene like in the auditorium. citramone or sulfadymesine you will not do...
In libraries I read mostly fiction, but sometimes digested scientific and popular literature.Once in my hands came a book of the famous neurologist Uspensky, where the typical pathologies and simple ways to get rid of were described. MIGRENS are treated by taking the simplest vasodilator drug such as dibazole, papazole or papaverine...for 10 days take 10 times a day for 110 parts of the tablet. overall: migraine is treated with 1 package of the drug for 10 kopecks and the risks are minimal. The principle is to unlearn the vessels to spasm. Deleted memory spasm pain disappears. On myself then tried - helped even with hypotension - chronically low pressure.
The brigade is sitting on the bench and waiting for me to turn out, quietly rushing. I am telling the theory of D. Uspensky, the grandmother of Shamka thanked and departed.
A week passes, we come back from work - the hostel has a girl to a basket of chicken eggs from grandmother -HELP))) and with her neighbor...radiculitis. But this is a separate story.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna