— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have lived in the United States for 20 years, but I have never been able to understand why some news suddenly clings to Americans. For example, at one time the media continuously slandered that Russia was over and you can not pay attention to it. And in general, the media-obedient Americans were simply not interested in Russia. But suddenly the Chelyabinsk meteorite and Russian video recorders caught them on a full program. This is probably how they were caught 50 years ago by "sputnik". About the Chelyabinsk meteorite and the video with him in the main role of the month two years ago everyone spoke.
But yesterday we had a meteorite in New York, and today I was in Bronx. I go into a street store and see a Spanish-language magazine in the newspaper showcase, on the cover of which it is written in large letters:
A picture of this meteor.
It turned out that this is now the new name of the meteorite in Spanish-English. That is, the residents of the Bronx watch the famous video, as in Chelyabinsk a car with a video recorder turns to the side road, and a meteorite passes through the screen, accompanied by this driver's voice. And all, the fact of cultural exchange took place - now in America "Nihuyasebe" means a meteorite.
c) Abrod

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna