— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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May 9 is dedicated.

It is now we and the classmates of the director and professor are capital and European, and as children we lived in the same courtyard in a distant provincial town, where all the entertainment was the military units, where our fathers served, and a large railway hub, where the locals worked. The military units were as follows: one serious strategic, where ordinary only a chef was, and the second - a landing regiment, which guarded the first from possible foreign saboteurs. On the territory of the first we were not allowed close, and on the second we were day and night, went with the desanters to their dining room (cash in the soldier dining room not to compare with the home :), the cinema, gyms, etc. No one hunted us, but instead encouraged - let the boys prepare for army service from childhood.

Another reason for forcing us to day out with the desanters were local Aborigines. The children of the officers were well-educated boys, whose mothers were teachers and doctors, grandparents and grandparents in large and capital cities, every summer in Crimea or Sochi. But the locals - the children of the advanced group of the Soviet people - the father was a carrier or a carrier, the mother was a cleaner, the class hatred of the barchucks was familiar with them from the diapers. In general, detachments of proletarian minors captured and beaten officer children both in school and in the courts. The ability to fight against the band was educated forced from a young age. Street fighting is a special fight, it is not a section of judo or sambo. Here the recipients will not help, here you had to be both clever and cruel. Well, the landers pumped us, showing some spells with objects. Growing up, we and our offenders have reconciled and even become friends, some hanging together on memorial boards who have not returned from Afghanistan.

But it was later. Meanwhile, we were taken out, third-class kids with a friend of their classmates for the May holidays in Moscow. for the first time. The Borodin panorama, the Kremlin, the Children’s World and of course the VDNH with its attractions. Tired parents sat down on the benches, and we were sent to attractions, giving no regrets about the money. The fact that 9-year-old boys go to hell alone - for our ancestors, it was not a problem, we went for days where no one went missing. This is the money and attracted to us the local wdnhovskaya spana. Clean boys, in shorts and white shirts - than no prey. By the way, when fighting with the boys at home, they never took money from us and that someone could rob us, didn’t even come to mind. Moreover, it was unexpected that a dozen capital boys, much older than us, suddenly climbed into our pockets and dragged parental money. The anger and outrage, of course, were nonethnic. Having broken the stick-supporters of the seedlings and remembering all the tricks of the landers, we began to beat this shobla, as the lander taught - in the eyes, the cadik, the knees, the fingers. Unfortunately, the healthiest were also the most experienced in battles, got the knives, and it is unlikely that we would have been able to resist them if not the unexpected help of a single man on the cradle. Seeing that the spinach dragged two boys into the bushes, he did not shout at his parents, but stood up and bowed to help the boys. With a few strokes per second, he put the bastards on the ground. He pulled us out on the road. My father ran and it all ended well. The handicapped man’s jacket had only three medals, as his father said, they were medals for Vienna, Budapest and Odvaga. He was called if I am not mistaken Arkady Evampievich Polevich. They spent a long time sitting in the pool with their father, laughing and discussing something.

For several years, we sent and received postcards from him. It is a pity that it is not so long. But in memory crashed that day on VDNH forever. Probably, nothing so inspired us with a friend respect for war veterans as that May deed of a disabled man, quietly without a look, rushing to help the boys. Do not judge the veterans, we live – thanks to them. Thanks to you. With a celebration.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna