— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Who are the rabbits there, who first get their pets, and then look for a way to get rid of them, because somehow they don't.
Do you have to think with your head before starting"?

This is how you go home in the winter evening and hear the scream from the desert. And there is a kittens - the size of a palm, the mouth is broken and the leg seems to be broken. And you seem to think with your head that the third cat did not give up on you, but the hands themselves take, and carry, treat, feed, bath. And grows out of it a beautiful, sexually mature man, who begins to melt carpets, beds and everything in general. Here you are crying, but you are looking for who to build on the country, to climb trees, catch mice and rejoice in life. And those who do not go by will pass by, yes. Let it breathe in the snow, but I do not swallow the pen.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna