— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In this regard:
So where do you learn how to catch the ears when burned? How many times I burned, there was no such reflection. I only saw this in the cinema.

The reflexes have nothing to do. This reception is used. It really helps with light burns. The human body conducts heat poorly. The amount of heat that gets on the skin should be removed from it as soon as possible. It, in addition to the lesions it caused immediately, will continue to affect further and deeper, aggravating the effect. To remove the heat, ice or other materials are applied to the burn site as quickly as possible.
I often burn my fingers. So, while you run to the refrigerator for ice, from applying to the ear pipe, which is usually always colder than the hands, the finger is actually easier.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna