— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ]
And again :
All the same:

to this
It is...
I think that many people who want to make tiramisu at home all break about the phrase "Savoyardi cookies"
It is...
So why did you post it?
I now know from my own experience what to do Savoyardi - like two fingers on asphalt. Where to buy mascarpone cheese?! to


Mascarpone is even easier than cookies. 500g 20% cream and half lemon juice. Mix, and when it grows - put in a sitto on a linen towel. Put it in the refrigerator - let the serum flow there. Get 200-25o g of wonderful cheese. Here are you and the mascarpone.)
It is...
You have no heart. You are all bitch, and I now instead of tanks have to do this same tiramisu ((

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna