— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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To this...
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When I communicate with people who demonstrate their atheism, there is always a sense of their hopeless limitation. How much contempt and hatred are they willing to pour out on their neighbors because of their inability to understand and accept that other people may have a different view of the world than their own. ......
by admin.

Remembering the old topic I will wash from here or elsewhere I have seen, I don’t remember, well, it doesn’t matter.
Do you agree that believers are better and more moral than atheists? Well, when they don’t burn anyone on the fire, then yes, I’ll wash and the recent event in Russia only confirms this.
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Guys, judging by the text - not by 5 years of you (although the second obviously did not learn in school yet). Religion, religion, atheism and morality are not related. You can be a deeply religious cattle and a perfectly orderly atheist. It all depends on man. from man.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna