— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the ivory house we now have eight girls, the youngest of which is not six months old, and one boy.Slony Sonya is the second in the end of the age, she is 9, it seems, that is, a full child.
The child squeezed on the camels, sprinkled himself with sand, looked around... and saw a pigeon. The pigeons, not knowing what was waiting for them, worked hard on the dispersal of valuable elephant weed.
In the sight of the amazed audience, Sonya, stretching her legs far and carefully (as much as possible for an elephant), began to steal to the pigeons.
I never crossed, the pigeons didn't really see the gray mountain on the chickens or just came to play too. In any case, they didn’t even take their ears until ten steps away from them, the excited Sonya crumbled into a rift, joyfully trumpeting with a rotting hood.
Volens-Nolens had to get up on the wing. Sonia followed them proudly, but a little sadly. The pigeons rounded around and discovered a new bulk of gold, where they landed. That they, fools, with diamond copies to leave.
The elephant's eyes immediately burned, and, pulling out the hood, she began the pursuit. A minute later, the elephant sounded with trumpet sounds. It sounded amazingly gentle to her, as if she was laughing, whispering.
The pigeons stubbornly returned to the ivory for another ten minutes, giving a bunch of happiness to Sonya and the crowd of zevak.
I believe that one should strive to see an elephant steal to the pigeons at least once in his life. This works very positively on the spirit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna