— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате]
<SISTER> meet me today O :-).. a? Well, sorry... at the subway... I’m eager to drive home alone and you’re all the way to do a nephig.
<BROTHER> ]-> Will you feed me?! to
<SISTER> well if I do not fall alive on the plate myself then if there is something.... maybe.. I will think.. by the circumstances
Well... Then maybe I’ll meet you... If, of course, I’m not running drunk in the cane at this moment... Or clutching up with some girlfriend from work... Or stupidly forget and wake up... In general, it’s possible. I will think. by the circumstances! and ;)
<SISTER> if it will be of something then yes (only consider that I myself will be half dead)
<BROTHER> If he falls asleep, then I will meet! Remember, I will be drunk to zero. and ROFL
<BROTHER> *hint1*: "Yes, BROTHER, of course I will feed you, my beloved brother!"
*Hint2* Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna