— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We were lost on our river all day long. It was especially good in the summer, and swimming, and fishing, and just sitting on the shore, watching the boats passing by.
Our shore was high, some places rocky, but the rocks were steady, lime probably. In short, erosion did its job, and sometimes the rocks from these rocks collapsed, crushing the curved trees on the slope along the way, and crashing down the bottom, adding a new configuration to our beach.
We walked on these stones, not paying much attention to them. Stones and stones. And then came to the river to swim one boy from our school, by nature very attentive and curious.
Here is. And somehow we sit on the shore, sunbathing, and he slips something behind our backs, on the rocks of stones. Then he approached, in his hand, a fraction, white, flat, shows us and says, “Here I found, this is a dinosaur’s tooth.” We knew who the dinosaurs were. There was a fantasy snub in his hands. But immediately they told him firmly, tell me, don't be foolish, where do we have the dinosaurs here, throw it out, and go better to dive.
The boy replied that there these bones lie a lot above his height, and tomorrow he will take that tooth to school to a biologist. It was summer then, but almost all of the teachers were still sitting in place, we had a job, I don’t remember now.
The next day, when they came to the river, they found this archaeologist on the same slope with a potato bag. On our sluggish question, well, how there, he told me that the teacher was in shock, said that this bone was at least sixty-five million years old, that I would have a biological fifth in a quarter, and that I would get him now.
The next day, when they came to the river, they found this archaeologist again on the slope, and more interested asked, well, how there, he replied that the biologist could not take everything, there is not enough space in the office, and offered to take the rest to the regional museum. Now I’ll pick them up again, he gladly announced.
The next day, when they came to the river, this boy was sitting happy on the shore, grumbling from the sun, and relentlessly eaten plombier. Well, how there, we already asked excitedly. Yes is normal. Everyone took them to the museum, said they would send a letter of thanks to the school, and gave them more money. of 10 rubles.
This news flew across the beach at the speed of a pterodactile. The school, resting on the right, did not regret the school on the left.
The next day, the dark guard of the landscape museum from six o’clock in the morning chased the boys who sat at the door, with bags, business bags, backpacks, upstairs filled with bones. At least two iguanadons in spare parts they brought him.
When at ten o’clock, sweating and finally driving out all, he sat down on the bench to rest and smoke, the gate, opened his leg, entered three of our main school hooligans. They, as the tallest and strongest, brought to the museum a pearl of the then failed collection. Only one bone. But what. One carried her in front, the other in the back, and the third helped them in the middle, so that they were not accidentally abandoned.

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